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Home: Welcome


The mission of Rari's World Learning Foundation, Inc is to promote the physical, emotional and social development of children. We take a unique and innovative approach to teaching that help students connect with the subject matter they need to master. Parent's are also a central part of Rari's World Learning Foundation activities.


When parents enter their child's world of play and imagination, the child blossoms with more confidence to explore and learn. Time spend playing with mom or dad contributes to healthy emotional development and will also build trust between the parent and child.


Ulexis Taylor, Director of Rari's World Learning Foundation, Inc has a passion for the development of young children. She formed the organization, Rari's World Learning Foundation, Inc to offer parents and children a nurturing environment in which to spend time together to learn and play.

Home: Who We Are


Serving Families & Communities

Rari's World Learning Foundation is a children's play and tutoring program that offers a series of parent/child programs devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of children. We offer weekly classes for children ages one through 10 years. The activities are designed to improve balance, coordination and other sensory stimuli while reinforcing good social skills in a group play environment.


Rari's World Learning Foundation will offer Tutoring Service, which is a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private session offer intense individual assistance, but group sessions can also be beneficial with decreased economic costs and he use of team-based approach that the business program encourages.

One-On-One Tutoring
Playing in a Tunnel


Rari's World Learning Foundation offers a unique service in that there are other play program but our variety of services are different than the present ones. Our program is a part of a comprehensive growth program for one - ten years of age.

Home: What We Do

"When we make play the foundation of learning, we teach the whole child."

Vince Gowmon

Home: Quote


Thank you for contacting us! A member of our team will contact you in 24-48 hours.

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